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FAQ - Miscellaneous
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1. I have the installation CD, but not on me. All I need is a package. Where can I get one?
If you need something off of the CD, you can grab the base install packages from core and opt (provided by Matt Housh) or core and opt (provided by Tilman Sauerbeck). Either should work
2. X [ xorg ] dies when I open openoffice.
If you are using the binary NVidia driver (opt/nvidia
) for xorg, keep in mind to run the gl-select
tool after installation to set up your OpenGL environment, as pointed out in the README file. X dying like this happens not only with openoffice but most of the glx stuff such as childsplay, showfont etc.
3. My system clock is way off.
- Use ntpdate. The recommended approach is to use the /etc/rc.d/ntpdate script (simply add it to SERVICES=() in rc.conf). If you don't like this approach you may for example put "ntpdate &" in /etc/rc.local.
- Msntp (opt/msntp) is another small NTP utility intended to set the system clock. Put "msntp -r" in /etc/rc.local to set the clock at system start. Msntp can be used as a NTP client daemon and as a NTP server for local networks as well.
- Chrony (opt/chrony) is NTP client daemon and NTP server, which has been specifically written to work well if you have an intermittent connection to the network where your NTP servers are, and it still works well in a "permanently connected" mode.