Category: General
It is a list of common steps someone might want to perform just after the first boot (an extended and updated version of Jukka Heino's text found somewhere in the google's cache). Take it as an example and adjust to your needs with care.
# groupadd pkgmk # useradd -m -g pkgmk pkgmk
makecommand sudo -H -u pkgmk /usr/bin/fakeroot /usr/bin/pkgmk
PKGMK_SOURCE_DIR="/home/pkgmk/distfiles" PKGMK_PACKAGE_DIR="/home/pkgmk/packages" PKGMK_WORK_DIR="/home/pkgmk/work/$name"
# mkdir /home/pkgmk/{distfiles,packages,work} # chown pkgmk:pkgmk /home/pkgmk/* # chmod 775 /home/pkgmk/*
# mv /etc/ports/contrib.rsync.inactive /etc/ports/contrib.rsync
# ports -u
# cd /usr/ports/opt/fakeroot # pkgmk -d -i
%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
# useradd -m -G wheel,pkgmk -s /bin/bash jukka # passwd jukka