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Categories: Development
Stuff to be discussed in the IRC meetings
- Removal of the "CRUX developers" assignee in Flyspray, or at least changing the contact address. Examples: here, here
- Should anonymous bug reporting be made possible?
- repository dependencies betwen contrib and gnome/kde/xfce Discussion on crux-devel
- Concept for hosting distfiles (what to host, where to place it etc.)
- Finalize handover & removal of sip's ports
- glibc 2.9 for CRUX 2.5 -> decided to stick with 2.8.
- hotplug-capable xorg-server -> nothing change. Tilman will make a wiki page to explain how to build it.
- Wiki
- Think about new FAQ structure
- Guideline docs for outdated packages & bug reporting
- glibc locale generation
- how to announce news, what to announce etc.
- rough schedule for 2.5
- allow posting from gmane
- "real" IRC meetings: date and frequency
- move "Main" pages to Wiki
- strip diffs in [notify] mails to prevent 500KB disasters (see the JDK/JRE mail)
- improve pkgadd/pkgrm behaviour in pkgutils6
- Master/Arch Maintainer politics???
- Tools and methods for ports tree synchronisation
- having "arch maintainer: " and "maintainer:" at the same time might be confusion to the user
- handling of outdated ports
- limit character set for Pkgfiles to ISO 646 (7-bit ASCII) or use UTF-8