# Description: Bug tracking system for Subversion and CVS with integrated Wiki and repository browser # URL: http://www.cvstrac.org # Maintainer: Jürgen Daubert, juergen dot daubert at t-online dot de # Depends on: sqlite, rcs name=cvstrac version=1.2.1 release=1 source=(http://www.cvstrac.org/$name-$version.tar.gz \ cvstrac_cgi cvstracd) build () { cd $name-$version sed "/^SRCDIR/s/=.*$/=\./; s/-O[02]/$CFLAGS/ " linux-gcc.mk > Makefile make chmod 777 . su nobody -c "./cvstrac init . MyProject" install -D -m 755 cvstrac $PKG/usr/bin/cvstrac ln -s cvstrac $PKG/usr/bin/svntrac install -d $PKG/var/lib install -d -o nobody -g nobody $PKG/var/lib/cvstrac install -m 644 -o nobody -g nobody MyProject.db $PKG/var/lib/cvstrac install -D -m 755 ../cvstrac_cgi $PKG/var/www/cgi-bin/cvstrac.cgi install -D -m 755 ../cvstracd $PKG/etc/rc.d/cvstrac }