# Description: A cross-platform application and UI framework # URL: https://www.qt.io/ # Maintainer: Tim Biermann, tbier at posteo dot de # Depends on: at-spi2-core harfbuzz libb2 libtiff libxkbcommon mesa xorg-xcb-util-cursor xorg-xcb-util-keysyms xorg-xcb-util-wm # Optional: brotli cups double-conversion gtk3 icu krb5 libinput libproxy mariadb md4c pipewire postgresql pulseaudio tslib unixodbc xdg-utils xmlstarlet vulkan-headers name=qt6-base version=6.8.1 release=1 source=(https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/${version%.*}/$version/submodules/qtbase-everywhere-src-$version.tar.xz qt6-base-cflags.patch qt6-base-nostrip.patch ) build() { patch -d qtbase-everywhere-src-$version -p1 -i $SRC/qt6-base-cflags.patch patch -d qtbase-everywhere-src-$version -p1 -i $SRC/qt6-base-nostrip.patch if prt-get isinst ccache; then PKGMK_QT6+=' -D QT_USE_CCACHE=ON' PATH="$(echo ${PATH} | awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/ccache/ {next} {print}' | sed 's/:*$//')" fi if [[ -e /usr/include/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-x11.h ]]; then PKGMK_QT6+=' -D QT_FEATURE_xcb=ON -D QT_FEATURE_xkbcommon_x11=ON' else PKGMK_QT6+=' -D QT_FEATURE_xcb=OFF -D QT_FEATURE_xkbcommon_x11=OFF' printf '\e[33m%s\e[m\n' " Your currently installed version of opt/libxkbcommon is not providing support for the x11-platform. This is not mandatory at this point, but depending on your needs, you may want to install xorg/xkeyboard-config, rebuild opt/libxkbcommon and then build opt/qt6-base again. " fi cmake -S qtbase-everywhere-src-$version -B build -G Ninja $PKGMK_QT6 \ -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="$CXXFLAGS -flto=auto" \ -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE="$CFLAGS -flto=auto" \ -D CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION=ON \ -D BUILD_WITH_PCH=OFF \ -D INSTALL_BINDIR=lib/qt6/bin \ -D INSTALL_PUBLICBINDIR=usr/bin \ -D INSTALL_LIBEXECDIR=lib/qt6 \ -D INSTALL_DOCDIR=share/doc/qt6 \ -D INSTALL_ARCHDATADIR=lib/qt6 \ -D INSTALL_DATADIR=share/qt6 \ -D INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR=include/qt6 \ -D INSTALL_MKSPECSDIR=lib/qt6/mkspecs \ -D INSTALL_PLUGINSDIR=lib/qt6/plugins \ -D INSTALL_QMLDIR=lib/qt6/qml \ -D INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR=/etc/xdg \ -D INSTALL_TRANSLATIONSDIR=share/qt6/translations \ -D INSTALL_EXAMPLESDIR=share/doc/qt6/examples \ -D QT_FEATURE_no_direct_extern_access=ON \ -D QT_FEATURE_openssl_linked=ON \ -D QT_FEATURE_system_sqlite=ON \ -D QT_BUILD_TESTS_BY_DEFAULT=OFF \ -D QT_FEATURE_reduce_relocations=OFF \ -D QT_FEATURE_androiddeployqt=OFF \ -D QT_FEATURE_rpath=OFF \ -Wno-dev cmake --build build DESTDIR=$PKG cmake --install build rm -r $PKG/usr/share/doc # Install useful symlinks cd $PKG mkdir -p usr/bin while read -r _line; do ln -sv $_line done < $SRC/build/user_facing_tool_links.txt }