# Description: Building, finding and using SDL binaries # URL: https://metacpan.org/release/Alien-SDL # Maintainer: John McQuah, jmcquah at disroot dot org # Depends on: libsdl p5-file-sharedir p5-capture-tiny p5-file-which p5-text-patch p5-archive-extract p5-archive-zip p5-module-build name=p5-alien-sdl _author=FROGGS version=1.446 release=1 source=(https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/${_author::1}/${_author::2}/$_author/Alien-SDL-$version.tar.gz) build() { cd Alien-SDL-$version # Workaround bug with --with-sdl-config sed -i '/^GetOptions/d' Build.PL perl Build.PL --with-sdl-config perl Build perl Build install installdirs=vendor destdir="$PKG" find $PKG \( -name '.packlist' -o -name '*.pod' \) -delete find $PKG -depth -empty -delete }