# Description: A tool for transfering files with URL syntax # Maintainer: CRUX compat-32 Team, compat-32-ports at crux dot nu # URL: https://curl.haxx.se/ # Depends on: curl openssl-32 zlib-32 # Optional: brotli-32 zstd-32 name=curl-32 version=7.74.0 release=1 source=(https://curl.haxx.se/download/${name%-*}-$version.tar.xz) build() { cd ${name%-*}-$version prt-get isinst brotli && ! prt-get isinst brotli-32 && printf "\e[031mbrotli is detected on your system, please run: prt-get depinst brotli-32 before continuing with curl-32.\033[0m\n" && exit 1 prt-get isinst zstd && ! prt-get isinst zstd-32 && printf "\e[031mzstd is detected on your system, please run: prt-get depinst zstd-32 before continuing with curl-32.\033[0m\n" && exit 1 ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --libdir=/usr/lib32 \ --enable-ipv6 \ --without-libidn \ --without-cyassl \ --enable-threaded-resolver \ --with-ca-bundle=/etc/ssl/cert.pem make make DESTDIR=$PKG install rm -r $PKG/usr/{bin,include,share/man,share} }