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Using subversion

There's an excellent book on subversion, available for free in various formats from

Getting the ports tree

$ svn co
$ cd ports

The first time, you'll get a warning about the SSL certificate; accept it permanently if the fingerprint matches 22:47:db:df:a8:69:96:c2:c8:01:36:c6:90:df:5d:bb:b2:23:3a:67

Note that you'll have to replace "X.Y" with the version number of the CRUX release you want.

Adding a port

$ cd PATH/TO/WORKING/COPY/ports/opt
$ cp -r $PATH/myport .
$ svn add -N myport
$ cd myport
$ svn add Pkgfile .md5sum .footprint ...
$ svn ci -m "Initial commit of myport"

Removing a port

To save a potential future maintainer some work, we just move ports away from the synced collections to a collection called 'attic'

$ svn co
$ svn mv ports/opt/someport attic
$ cd ports
$ svn ci opt/someport ../attic/someport -m "move someport to attic"

or the same straight on the server

$ svn mv -m "move someport to attic"

Setting up a test repository

In order to get some experience with subversion, you can set up a test repository on your machine like this:

$ cd /tmp
$ svnadmin create testrepo
$ svn co file:///tmp/testrepo ports
$ cd ports
$ svn mkdir core opt attic
$ svn ci